Addition and Subtraction comes down to working 5 problems

Students Succeed Using TI-Nspire or HP Prime Guide Algebra Fundamentals

Our alternate approach is to use money to work the five problems on the right. We start with positive as having money, negative as owing money.

Add is money coming in, subtract is a bill coming in. Note that 3+4 and 5-2 are traditional addition and subtraction. So it comes down to -2+5, owe 2, 5 money in, result 3; 3-4, have 3, bill for 4, result owe 1; -3-4, owe 3, bill 4, result owe 7.

We use a Helium balloon with ballast to show why 5+(-2)=5-2 and -2-(-5)=-2+5 but use the multiplication mnemonic "+(-" becomes a "-’ and "-(-’ becomes a "+" to remove adjoining signs and then think "money."





Whether you are a student who needs to learn or refresh his Basic Rules of Algebra or a teacher who is looking for that gem that will put your student's on the road to success, let TI-Nspire™ Guide Algebra Fundamentals or HP Prime Guide Algebra Fundamentals work for you.

quoteNot being in the accelerated math group, in High School I did not take the Calculus I and II sequence for math, engineering, and science majors. I did however have a love for Biology and especially the outdoor professions based on Biology.

Entering into community college I followed my dreams, taking Biology and College Algebra, and Calculus for Business, Social, and Natural Sciences to meet the math requirements for my AS at the community college and BS in Biology at the four-year school. After completing community college, I went to a four-year university where I got a BS and MS in Biology.

Loving education and the outdoor Biology, I enrolled in a Biology PhD program at the University of Maryland involving the population of various species in the Chesapeake Bay. For the PhD they said my Calculus for Business, Social, and Natural Sciences would count for Calculus I but I needed to take their Calculus II and I needed to complete my Physics as well by taking Physics II.

This is where the TI-Nspire CAS and Professor's Schroeder methods came in to save me. I had no Trigonometry experience and my Calculus I experience was not at the proper level either. I had used a TI-85 and Professor Schroeder had me get a TI-Nspire CAS graphing calculator and retire the TI-85. He first taught me how to use the TI-Nspire CAS to do Algebra, then Trigonometry, Calculus I, and Calculus II, all while taking Calculus II. My instructor would only let us use a traditional non-graphing scientific calculator on his test. However, without the TI-Npsire to do the homework and learn all the material in the course, there is no way I would have made it. But with the TI-Nspire CAS, Professor's Schroeder methods, and remote tutoring every weekend I passed.

The next semester I took Physic II and with the TI-Nspire CAS and Professor's Schroeder methods I got an A without any further tutoring. If you work on the material in his new eBook with the TI-Nspire CAS his methods should work for you. - J, Madision Wisconsin.


quoteBeing a young college student enrolled at Carl Sandburg Community College I had not thought a lot about an Associate Degree, but found out before the start of my second year that state Universities waived all first two-year requirements for students that had an Associate Degree. I now had two-semester left to get my Associate Degree. It had been 2 years since I took Algebra II. My Algebra I and II grades were both C's. I was not feeling very good about courses that required Algebra II skills. Looked like summer school was on the agenda. The college placement test indicated that I needed College Algebra and maybe even Intermediate Algebra before the College Algebra, and eventually the Finite Math, and Calculus for the Business and Social Sciences. I could not believe it but College Algebra did not count for an Associate of Science degree at Sandburg and therefore I need the two more advanced courses.

That is where Professor Schroeder's method came in. I enrolled in his fall College Algebra course. A CAS graphing calculator was not required for his College Algebra course, but he recommended it on the syllabus. When I took his classes, parts of his new eBook content were in his WebCT supplement. In class, he would spend the first five minutes talking about CAS graphing calculator use in today's assignment, and then tell us to look at the WebCT supplement and come to his office if we needed additional help. The rest of the class was a traditional presentation. At first, I resisted buying CAS graphing calculator, but shortly realized that it was essential tool for students in my situation. His WebCT content was created for his publisher and they only required limited examples in it. This is where his office visits came in. I need the complete picture, which his new eBook has.

To make this story short, his methods work. Without them and my CAS graphing calculator there was no way I could get through these courses with my background, this was the bridge I needed.

I got a B in College Algebra, a B in Finite Math, and an A in Calculus for Business and Social Sciences. Though I did not want to he said I could take both degree-required courses in the same semester. It worked and today I have my four-year degree in Communication from Western Illinois University.

This will work for you too, even though I used a TI-89 CAS graphing calculator I have no reservation recommending the TI-Nspire CAS faster improved calculator and his eBook with the complete successful content now in TI-Nspire form. - R, Galesburg Illinois


quoteNormally you would not trust reviews from an author's kids. In the interest for full disclosure, I need to say that Professor Schroeder is my "Dad". But I am contributing a review to tell you that my dad's material works and I know it can work for you as well.

I was in high school and had met my requirements for high school graduation of Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, and one-science course. Math was not my best subject. However, I put my mind to learning Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II and now needed to progress to the next level of math.

Although I had the proper background for the next level, a high school college-prep math course, the passing of time cause me to have some gaps in my understanding of the course's preparatory Algebra and Geometry. My high school did not allow Computer Algebra System calculators that dad felt would help me fill these gaps.

My dad's school, Carl Sandburg College left using Computer Algebra System (CAS) calculators up to the individual math professor. My dad's view was for a course such as College Algebra it was up to the student to make the final decision as whether they wanted to use a CAS calculator or not. Dad felt if used correctly they were an asset, had made supplements for their proper use, and would spend a few minutes of class time teaching and answering questions about their use. However, he did not require them and his tests did not require them either. His tests had parts where no credit was given unless work was shown. He wanted students to be successful in future classes no matter if the future courses allowed CAS calculators or not.

However, dad did feel that being able to use a Computer Algebra System (CAS) calculator to complement one's math background and bridge new concepts would benefit students. Talking with my dad I came to the conclusion that using a CAS graphing calculator properly would be beneficial for me.

So with my dad's encouragement, during my free period of the first-semester of my senior high school year; the CAS graphing calculator that dad gave me in my back pack; I drove off to Sandburg to be a student in my dad's College Algebra class.

Dad's College Algebra class was hard and covered the high school's yearlong prep course in one semester. The CAS graphing calculator and dad's online supplement for it gave me added comfort I needed to bridge holes in my knowledge plus keep me moving forward with the current lesson. This along with hard work allowed me to get a good grade in College Algebra and even excel. My dad was extra carefully not to teach me the test, but I did have the advantage of having him available at home for assistance when needed.

Taking one college class while still in high school worked so well for me that in my free period the next semester I enrolled in dad's Calculus for Business, Social Science and Natural Science class. What was really neat, I was able to help my friend in the high school advanced math Calculus course with some of his work. The graphing CAS calculator and the online supplement for our textbook that dad wrote for Cengage Learning on older TI CAS calculators, non-TI CAS calculators, and Microsoft Excel were a big part of my success in my applied Calculus course.

I know Dad's eBooks, TI-Nspire Guide™ Algebra Fundamentals and HP Prime Guide Algebra Fundamentals, can get you off to a great start as well. It completes the Algebra Fundamentals, Basic Rules of Algebra, supplement he wrote for College Algebra. The TI-Nspire Guide is written for Texas Instruments new more powerful line of TI-Nspire devices. The TI-Nspire Guide covers both the TI-Nspire and TI-Nspire CAS calculators and TI-Nspire and TI-Nspire CAS iPad apps. Armed with the HP Prime Guide and HP Prime Free on any phone, tablet, or computer there is solution for anybody that wants it - K, Alognquin Illinois

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